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The Forest Plant Project, pictured is a finished Kokedama and the ingredientsThe Forest Plant Project, pictured is a finished Kokedama and the ingredients
The Forest Plant Project ingredients pictured is a plant, soil, moss, branch, and twineThe Forest Plant Project ingredients pictured is a plant, soil, moss, branch, and twine
The Forest - Flower BarThe Forest - Flower Bar
A Gold Plant MisterA Gold Plant Mister
Canvas Tote that says Plant Lady with floralsCanvas Tote that says Plant Lady with florals
The Forest Plant Project, pictured is a finished Kokedama and the ingredients
The Forest Plant Project ingredients pictured is a plant, soil, moss, branch, and twine
The Forest - Flower Bar
A Gold Plant Mister
Canvas Tote that says Plant Lady with florals
The Forest Plant Project, pictured is a finished Kokedama and the ingredients
The Forest Plant Project ingredients pictured is a plant, soil, moss, branch, and twine
The Forest - Flower Bar
A Gold Plant Mister
Canvas Tote that says Plant Lady with florals
The Forest Plant Project, pictured is a finished Kokedama and the ingredients
The Forest Plant Project ingredients pictured is a plant, soil, moss, branch, and twine
The Forest - Flower Bar
A Gold Plant Mister
Canvas Tote that says Plant Lady with florals

The Forest


Details & Contents:

This experience includes: moss, a plant that will love to hang in a low light spot, twine and all the materials needed to make your own Kokedama. What is Kokedama? The literal translation is "moss ball". And with this project you will learn how to make your very own hanging Kokedama. How you ask? Well, we have a fun and easy online tutorial that will walk you OR the recipient through a simple step-by-step process to create this Flower Bar Plant Project.
(1) Pair of gardening gloves
(1) Plant
Bag of soil mix 
Curly willow branch
Online tutorial available HERE
*Please note that we hand select plants that are ideal for this project based on what is available to us, so they may not always be the same or what is in the video. Please be advised that we do not suggest using plants outside of what is recommended for Kokedama.


  • Floral designs are available Tuesday - Saturday and are created for each client. 
  • Designs are not available for immediate walk-in or pickup
  • $65 minimum order for delivery, fees vary by zip code.
  • Delivery Information
  • We are unable to ship floral designs outside of the greater Phoenix area.
  • We do ask for the recipient’s contact number. Please provide this number to ensure an efficient and timely delivery.