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A bouquet of red and magenta roses for valentines day with red branch heartA bouquet of red and magenta roses for valentines day with red branch heart
A bouquet of red and magenta roses for valentines day with red branch heart

Sophisticated Lady


The ultimate Valentine's bouquet. If your person has a vase that they love, then all you need is the flowers! We make these premium red and magenta roses look gooooood by  surrounding them with novelty stems (tulips, stock, spray roses, sweet peas, etc) in a sultry color palette and dark chocolate foliage. And the cherry on top - a red dogwood heart ❤️ Option to upgrade an additional dozen roses for 2 dozen roses total. These bouquets include a water wrap that will keep the flowers hydrated until they are put in a vase. Please note this option DOES NOT COME IN A VASE. Size upgrade includes more roses and additional premium accent stems. Available for pickup or delivery. 

One Dozen Pictured  


  • Floral designs are available Tuesday - Saturday and are created for each client. 
  • Designs are not available for immediate walk-in or pickup
  • $95 minimum order for delivery on Valentine's Day, fees vary by zip code.
  • Delivery Information
  • We are unable to ship floral designs outside of the greater Phoenix area.
  • We do ask for the recipient’s contact number. Please provide this number to ensure an efficient and timely delivery.