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wild winter bouquet of golden roses and winter greenery with magnoliawild winter bouquet of golden roses and winter greenery with magnolia
wild winter bouquet of golden roses and winter greenery with magnolia

Golden Forest Bouquet


Experience the magic of the forest with our Golden Forest Bouquet. Bursting with unique flowers, this bouquet features gorgeous golden roses that will add a touch of warmth to any space. This unique woodsy combination is sure to impress.  

The size of these hand tied bouquets is based on stem count and always includes seasonal WINTER premium stems (berries, golden roses, magnolia,, kale, spray roses - just to name a few) with textural greens.

PLEASE READ DIMENSIONS, each size increase will have more premium stems. 


Pint Wrap: includes at least a 12 stems of premium flowers and accents + foliage. 
Standard Wrap: includes at least 18 stems of premium flowers and accents + foliage. 
Premium Wrap: includes 24 stems of premium flowers and accents, + foliage

Each bouquet is wrapped in an Eco Fresh Bouquet Wrap which are 100% plant based, compostable, biodegradable, reusable, and recyclable - and they provide a water source to keep the stems fresh for up to 4 hrs! The plastic wrap is biodegradable too! Each finished bouquet is wrapped in tissue and kraft paper with a ribbon bow. 


  • Floral designs are available Tuesday - Saturday and are created for each client. 
  • Designs are not available for immediate walk-in or pickup
  • $65 minimum order for delivery, fees vary by zip code.
  • Delivery Information
  • We are unable to ship floral designs outside of the greater Phoenix area.
  • We do ask for the recipient’s contact number. Please provide this number to ensure an efficient and timely delivery.