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A dozen garden roses with hydrangea, roses and tulips for Valentine's Day  made by a local floristA dozen garden roses with hydrangea, roses and tulips for Valentine's Day  made by a local florist
A dozen garden roses with hydrangea, roses and tulips for Valentine's Day  made by a local floristA dozen garden roses with hydrangea, roses and tulips for Valentine's Day  made by a local florist
A dozen garden roses with hydrangea, roses and tulips for Valentine's Day  Edit alt textA dozen garden roses with hydrangea, roses and tulips for Valentine's Day  Edit alt text
A dozen garden roses with hydrangea, roses and tulips for Valentine's Day  made by a local florist
A dozen garden roses with hydrangea, roses and tulips for Valentine's Day  made by a local florist
A dozen garden roses with hydrangea, roses and tulips for Valentine's Day  Edit alt text
A dozen garden roses with hydrangea, roses and tulips for Valentine's Day  made by a local florist
A dozen garden roses with hydrangea, roses and tulips for Valentine's Day  made by a local florist
A dozen garden roses with hydrangea, roses and tulips for Valentine's Day  Edit alt text
A dozen garden roses with hydrangea, roses and tulips for Valentine's Day  made by a local florist
A dozen garden roses with hydrangea, roses and tulips for Valentine's Day  made by a local florist
A dozen garden roses with hydrangea, roses and tulips for Valentine's Day  Edit alt text

Lady Rose


What's better than roses? GARDEN ROSES!  Our Lady Rose design contains pastel garden roses accented by novelty tulips, hydrangea, and premium roses all in tones of pinks, peaches, or violet. This all around design is for the absolute flower fanatic. Size increase will include additional roses.

Standard Size Pictured

Standard Size: approximately 14" high by 14" round 

Pint: Rose count: 8 garden roses 12 premium roses 
Standard: Rose count: 12 garden roses, 12 premium roses 
Premium: Rose count: 12 garden roses, 18 premium roses

Add a lovey card from a local artisan - view photos of our selection here


  • Designs are not available for immediate walk-in or pickup
  • $65 minimum order for delivery, fees vary by zip code.
  • Delivery Information
  • We are unable to ship floral designs outside of the greater Phoenix area.
  • We do ask for the recipient’s contact number. Please provide this number to ensure an efficient and timely delivery.